Monday, December 5, 2011

A Letter For Santa

The kids usually write Santa a letter every year, 
but this was the first time that they were able to 
drop their letter in a special "Santa Mail"  mailbox. 
Such an exciting moment for them!
Oh my sweet baby girl!
She LOVES to color and write,
I know what Santa will be bringing her...
all this boy wants is trains, he'd really like Hiro, but I just can't seem to find that one.

what's a la la loopsy doll?

The last few Christmas's I've noticed that he's asked for a bee bee gun, 
he may need to wait a few more years for that one.  

It's so fun to go shopping for the kiddos, 
but we've been reminding them that even though it's fun to give and get gift's, 
the reason we celebrate Christmas 
is becuase Jesus was born on Christmas Day.  
God sent Jesus
and Jesus died for our sins
and that is the greatest gift of all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids are adorable!!