Monday, January 17, 2011

Crabby Kids

Day 17...isn't going as planned.

Babes woke up at 3am, with a temp of 101.8, her teeth were causing her so much pain, it broke my heart.  She wouldn't nurse, the four teeth cutting thru on top were/are making her miserable.  Finally Tylenol and orajel soothed her and she fell asleep. 

Not knowing why she has a fever (that is still lingering this afternoon), the plans that we had (with friends) were cancelled, which REALLY bummed out the kiddos (and me!!!).  I feel like I'm always telling them about plans and too frequently having to change them, and I really don't like letting them down. 

I'm guessing from the disappointment in our change of plans is causing these kids to disobey.  They have been picking on each other ALL DAY LONG!
It doesn't help that it's Monday, I like my Mondays to regroup from a busy weekend, and I just haven't been able to do that.  Maybe I need to head to Unique Thrift Store, in New Hope, and take advantage of their 50% off everything, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. is my therapy, and I know that would do the trick....but do I really want to haul four crabby kids who don't want to listen to their Mother today? Nope. sigh.

In hopes that tomorrow  is a brighter day, I'm signing off.

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