Monday, January 24, 2011

Luncheon and Family Photo Session from last Fall I had a friend over for lunch, and I really wanted to buy that (I think it's called) Oscar Meyer Southwestern Chicken, the stuff by the lunch meat, to put on a salad.  Well, I couldn't justify $3.50 for such a small portion, when I had a bag of frozen chicken tenderloins in the freezer.  So I Googled 'Southwestern seasoning' and loved what I found.  Oh it was delish! 

Southwestern Seasoning: 1 Tablespoon Salt, 2 teaspoons garlic powder, 2 teaspoons chili powder, 2 teaspoons cumin, 2 teaspoons pepper and half teaspoon of cocoa. 

I actually used half of what it called for and sprinkled (quite heavily) on the frozen chicken and baked in the oven for about 35 minutes at 350-375.  YUM YUM and still have seasonings left for next time.
Day 24

and ya gotta have dessert...I don't always think of substituting applesauce for vegetable oil, but I did today, and now wonder why I don't do it ALL the time.  Get this, the directions called for 1/3 cup vegetable oil, which equals 75 GRAMS OF FAT...can you imagine if I ate the entire pan!...and instead, I used 1/3 cup applesauce which was ZERO if I eat/ate the entire pan of brownies, it'd only be....ugh, 57 grams of fat!

The brownies were a tad more cake like, so I probably should have only used 1/4 cup of applesauce, but with ice cream and hot fudge, oooh, it was yummy.

Last Fall I photographed my friends family 
Our boys are such great buds, it's always such a fun time getting together...(tho today, my son was is a bad mood because I took the Wii away, for 2 days, as discipline, and he really wanted to show his friend what level he was at...but I had to stick to my word).

Here are a few images from our session.

love it! so cute!

beautiful family!

Make sure you check out my post from Friday, leave a comment to win one of my headbands.  Contest extended thru Tuesday, till midnight.  I will announce winner on Wednesday.
Click link below to be connected to Friday's post:

1 comment:

Dan and Rita said...

I love how you caught the steam coming off the chicken! Looks yummy! The pictures of the Parks family are darling too!