Friday, May 13, 2011

Baby M {1 week old}

It was such a Joy to photograph this baby.
She was perfect.  Very relaxed. 
We thought she was going to sleep the entire time,
but she woke up, just long enough, for us to get a few 
'wide awake' photos, and then back to sleep she went. 
I'm so honored, that this family, whom I've photographed in the past,
chose me to document this very special moment in their lives.
I treasure all these special relationships I'm making
as I pursue my love for photography.

Baby's change so fast.  I recommend scheduling a photo session within that first week.
To make it easier, I would love to come and photograph your new baby in the comforts of your own home.

Also, if you are expecting,
I would like to offer you a Complimentary Maternity session,
with a paid newborn session.

Keep watch...Coming Soon,
Baby Gift Certificates, designed by The Photage.
An excellent gift for anyone. You may gift an entire photo session,
or a dollar amount to be put towards a session.
Contact me, and we can put a custom gift together.

Thank You everyone for supporting Crystal Lee Photography.
This is all still so new.  I'm enjoying every moment of this exciting journey.

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