Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Whitewater State Park

Last weekend we went camping with some friends, at Whitewater State Park.  It was about a two and a half hour drive for us.  We decided not to leave Friday night, since severe storms were in the forecast. Saturday there was still fifty percent chance of rain, but we figured we'd still meet up with everyone.  We drove through some hard-hard rain, I chuckled to myself...I can't believe we are going camping, in THIS weather.  It did end up clearing up. 
The guys were looking forward to this trip.  The 2,700 acre park is an angler's paradise with brown, brook, and rainbow trout swimming in the spring-fed Whitewater River and Trout Run Creek. They did get some fishing in.
and a few of them were lucky

the following collage of photos were taken by my cell phone.  It was rainy and 80%+ humidity, that I didn't really want to take out my camera.  We went on a walk and I really wanted to go back and take more photos, it was so beautiful.  These photos don't do justice.  Just when we were finishing up grilling our dinner the rain came, hard!  Olivia was left unattended for a bit, and she was in her glory splashing in the mud puddles.  She was so dirty, I wish I could have captured it better, but I was trying to get umbrellas for everyone, figure out who went in which tent, and who still wanted a hot dog, it was crazy.

Not sure how long the rain lasted, but it did clear up and we enjoyed the camp fire, friends and smores.
The rain did come back, just as hard, if not harder, and lasted all night long. 
Loud thunder, lightning and rain.  Our air mattresses went flat and we got a little wet. 
On the bright side, my kids surprisingly slept through it all, even my baby.

Our camping group!
This was our first visit to Whitewater State Park.  We did have reservations last year that didn't work out.  So despite the rain, we had a great time camping with friends.

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