Wednesday, August 31, 2011


well, this is my 158th blog post, thanks to blogger for keeping track. 
I sure would like to figure out how to multi-task like Superwoman. 
I go in streaks were I think I've got it all figured out, and then 19 days go by without blogging, help! 

One thing I seem to be pretty consistent on is posting Sneak Peeks on my facebook page,
which is a good time for me to clarify to everyone that I do ask permission to post photos from our session,
and honor those that would prefer that I don't.  I really love posting images from my sessions online,
for me it's just about my only source of advertising,
so thank you so much for allowing me to do so.

Here's a little bit of what I've been up to lately:

When I started my photography business 12 months ago, I dove in head first. 
From the start I wanted to give it all I had, working at it full-time.
I continue to feel the same way, and am thrilled with where I am today.
I have so many dreams for the future of my business
and I wanted to Thank all those who have supported me on the way.
By biggest struggle right now is balancing my full time job as a photographer
and my full time job as a mother, I love both jobs so much,
and I will continue doing the best that I can
and keep wishing I could multi-task like Superwoman...

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