Monday, August 1, 2011

the Winners are:

 Happy 1st Anniversary to Crystal Lee Photography
 Last August, I was telling all my facebook friends to contact me if they wanted family photos taken for their Christmas cards.  Since everyone knew that I was really into photography, someone assumed and asked if I started my own business...I hadn't and thought "Well, why don't I"...and I did, just like that!  It's been an amazing twelve months.  I have grown so much as a photographer, and it's my plan to continue growing.
Since I started my business, I've done over one hundred and fifty photo sessions.  I counted about twenty baby sessions, forty children sessions, sixty family sessions, fifteen senior portrait sessions, six engagement sessions, eight weddings and a few others, like, product photography, business head shots and pets.  I'm thrilled to have four more weddings scheduled for this year.  Who knows what the next twelve months will bring, no matter what, I will be taking photos and sharing them with you.  If business gets busier or if business slows down...I'll be doing what I love.
Thank you to everyone who entered in my GIVEAWAY last week!

The winner, chosen from my blog is:
Andrea H.
"I love looking at your photos!
Would love to win a session thru u!!"

and the winner,
chosen from those that left me a review on my facebook page, is:
Ellen Hillukka Aho
"Wow! Just finished browsing through your pictures.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful works of art!
Happy Anniversary to Crystal Lee Photography!
 Love your photos!

Email me at to schedule your

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Crystal on one year!! So proud and happy for you! ~Chanda