Tuesday, September 20, 2011

another day at the Lee household

 It was so fun to see the joy on the faces of my big kids
when they walked up the driveway and they saw their baby sister. 
Everyone LOVES the baby of the house,
she is just the sweetest thing ever!

my kiddos...Oh, they are growing up so fast! 
They are just a fun, wild, crazy group.
I'm so blessed to be their mother.

Today, my 3 year old started, what we are calling "Pre-school"
It actually is an ECFE class, about 3 hours a week, and today was his first day!
He had fun, he's really going to enjoy this special time with mom and at school!
I'm so glad I decided to sign him up.
He is very pleased to have his good friend Ashlyn in his class!

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