Thursday, October 13, 2011

yummy treat

Well I've half attempted to take my kids school portraits several times now, 
and it's never usually happens after I've finished a session,
since I have everything set up.  
And tho I would like to pick out cute outfits and such, it just doesn't seem to happen.  
Anyway, I gave it one more attempt tonight, yes, after a session, 
and my kids were in the clothes that they had worn all day.  
But in the end, I think these are really cute and will work just perfectly!

on another note,
I had a bunch of banana's that were extremely ripe, 
and usually what I do, is throw them into the freezer, 
with the yummy thought of making banana bread
...but they just sit, and sit in the freezer.  
So anyway, this morning, I decided to just attempt to make some banana bread.  
I looked through our church cookbook.  
The first recipe I saw called for milk, and we were out. 
so I found another recipe for Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins,
that did not call for milk,
but I didn't have any muffin tin liners, and I only had one loaf pan 
(probably could have used three...and I didn't want to be baking all day), 
so I decided to put the batter into a 9x13 glass pan.
And it turned out perfectly...yes, I admit, I am not so good in the kitchen.
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
4 very ripe bananas (I used all 6 that I had!)
2 1/2 cup flour
2 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
2/3 cup chocolate chips

Combine dry ingredients. Set aside. Combine oil, eggs and bananas. 
Add dry ingredients. Don't overmix! Fold in chocolate chips. 
Pour into muffin tins 3/4 full. Bake 15-20 minutes at 350.

*I used a 9x13 pan and baked for about 45 minutes.

Remember how I mentioned that I'm not so great in the kitchen,
well I brought this pan of Banana Bread/Cake
over to a friends house today, and when she cut into it
we discovered I had baked my spoon right in it, how embarrassing!


Sneak Peek from tonights Family Photo Session 
posted on facebook, check it out!

1 comment:

Sue Hill said...

Lol about the spoon! Maybe it added some extra flavor :)