Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I just love all the projects the kids make at school, 
I should really photograph them all, as they don't seem to last too long 
and arn't the easiest to store. 

We just had conferences at school.
I really appreciate all that the teachers do for our kids, 
life is so busy, and at times I feel guilty, like I'm not doing the best that I can, 
tho at the moment, I feel I am.  
So leaving confrences I had a good feeling, 
my kids are good kids, so I must be doing something right.

Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm so thankful for my faith, family and friends!

I wish everyone a safe Holiday weekend,
and hope you score all the Black Friday deals
that are on your list!

1 comment:

jessica said...

Cute. Gotta love the kids' projects! Happy thanksgiving to you and your family!