Friday, December 23, 2011

Gingerbread House making

This is our second Gingerbread House for the year.

A few weeks ago, I came home with one, and told the kids that since I have to work on Saturday, we will decorate it after church, on Sunday...well, they convinced Dad, to let them decorate it, and I came home to an already decorated. AND EATEN gingerbread house...I was kind of bummed, because as you can tell, I like to document the entire process.  In the meantime we decorated gingerbread men, but it just wasn't the same, so I gave in when I saw Target had their houses on sale for $4.99, and decided to attempt it again.

My kids are at such a fun age, and they love helping me bake...
pouring in the ingredient's and stirring,
so we've had tons of fun making several batches of cookies
and decorating them...they go a bit overboard on the frosting,
but I'm sure Santa won't complain.

Enjoy this little slide show/video I put together
of the kids making their Gingerbread House.

Merry Christmas to all
and have a Happy, Healthy
and Safe New Year!

Oh, how my baby girl has grown in the last 12 months!

1 comment:

Gina H said...

Very fun and very cute! They are bakers for sure!