Friday, February 25, 2011

Still can't believe it

I'm kicking myself for so many reasons...

Yesterday I decided to drive around and scope out a few locations for an upcoming photo session, that I have scheduled.  I did have a destination in mind, so I entered the address into my GPS.  I turned off of 34 onto Haug (dirt road) and thought...hmmm, dirt road, not a good sign.  Then I came to a hill, which wasn't plowed and very quickly thought "I don't want to go this route", so I tried to back up.  Well my tires spun...backing up didn't really seem like an option and I thought, well, the GPS says to go this route, so I'll follow the tracks...and down the winding hill we went.  Well to my surprise, the road came to an end and we were at the landing to Lake Charlotte.  Instantly I knew this was not good...I couldn't back up at the top of this hill, so HOW IN THE WORLD am I going to get UP now?
The first step was to get the van turned around.  Well, like I said, it wasn't plowed, and there was lots of snow.  So to turn around I had to go onto the lake.  Well I tried and tried...and the turn-around was never successful.  I did get partially turned around, but it was no use.  I'm just steaming mad at this point...mad only at myself...and my GPS.  Mad because this ridiculous mistake it going to cost money that I'd MUCH rather spend in other ways.  My poor 4 yr old was fighting back tears, because being stuck on the lake really scared her and the extra kid that was with kept telling me to call his Dad, cause he has 4 wheel drive, and he could get us out of here.  Yep, I had kiddos with...5 of them!

I decided to unload everyone (5 kids ages, 6, 6, 4, 2, and 10 months) no one had a hat or mittens and my baby had a really thin blanket...I so wasn't prepared (to get stuck, on a lake, in the middle of practicly nowhere).  We walked up, what seemed like a mountain to a house.  NO ONE WAS THERE! at that point I really didn't know if there were any other houses around.  Thank goodness I had Lakeland Transmission's phone number saved in my phone, I called Russ and holding back tears I asked if he could come rescue me....but I didn't even know where I was.  I knew we were by Lake Charlotte (only because the GPS told got me stuck on the Lake but oh so nice to tell me which lake).  I thought I remembered the GPS telling me to turn onto Haug, but that's all I knew.  Russ told me he'd figure it out.  Well I knew we couldn't just stand out in the cold so we kept on walking and I saw another house.  The kids ran ahead and rang the door bell. YAY, someone was home!  Kinda nerve racking to enter a strangers home with 5 little kids, so I called Russ back and kept him on the phone until I was able to ask the homeowner where I was.  Turned out that a friendly older couple lived at this house.  I had a nice visit with them.  They have 4 kids, boy, girl, boy, girl, just like me.  They have, I think, 8 grandchildren (8 months to 15 yrs).  I also learned that MANY people (not just myself) get directed to this road by their GPS and get confused and come knock on their door. They told me to come back sometime.

Russ loaded us all up in his suburban and drove down to our van.  The kids were a tad nervous that we were going to get stuck again.  He tried to drive my van out...but no such luck.  As we drove up the hill, the extra cute kiddo I had along pipes up..."see, if you have 4 wheel drive you can drive right out..." mental note to self, next vehicle must have 4 wheel drive.  So, we make the 20 minute drive back home, unload and Russ leaves to go get my van.  Well, just because my day was going 'so well', it just had to continue...I couldn't get our garage open...the code box thingy was dead.  So I call Russ back..."hey Russ, I need my keys to get into the house..."  Russ "Your keys are in the van"...which remember, is on the lake.  OH HELP!  So I call up my hubby...Me: "ummm, any suggestions how I could get the garage opener on the garage to work?", Hubby: "just press the garage door opener that's in the van", Me: "well the van's on the lake"...yeah, he couldn't believe I followed the GPS, which lead me onto the lake....maybe when he has time to listen to the entire story, he'll understand.  Anyway, he came home, let us in....didn't ask any questions, and went back to work.

WHY I didn't take pictures, I don't know (yes I do, we were cold and I had other things on my mind), but man, that would have been great!

I should get my van back got towed to safety last night, but was in need on an oil change and a few other things, so I told them to just keep it.

ok, change of subject
I really want a great looking logo
but I'm having a hard time deciding what I want that logo to look like.
Here are a few I put together,  let me know if you like any of them,
and/or ideas you may have.


Lisa H said...

OMGosh. Crystal, I am so glad that everyone is safe and got home. Sounds like a very interesting day that probably led to either a absolutely wonderful nights sleep from exhaustion Or no sleep from continuous worries. Hope the days following are better.

On a separate note.... #3 or #4 I love them both!! Well, I love all your photos, but of these 6, those two are my favorite.

Dan and Rita said...

That is so scary! And I can just picture trying to have to call someone and actually tell them what I just did!! LOL Good thing we have had cold weather so there was no thin ice!

On the logos, I like #4.

Ramona Johnson said...

Wow! What a story. Glad it all turned out okay! I like #2 or #6.

Sue Sturos said...

Oh wow, Crystal! So happy you are safe & sound and nothing worse happened!

In regards to the logo, I love the top right one. Just have your name a tad bit more darker, as "your" name stands out and not the logo itself. Does that make sense? It looks like the design then accents your name. That way it will look good on anything you put it on and not blend into the background, unless that is what you are after? Also love the one on the middle left too.

good luck, you are an awesome photographer!

Sue Sturos said...

lol...Oops realized you had numbers after. :) 4 & 2, in that order.

Ruth said...

Your story sounds like a nightmare!! Bet you were wishing you could "wake-up." It was entertaining to read with a lot of suspense...

Can't decide between #3 or #4.

simply bree said...

Wow.. sounds like you had quite a day!! And I like #1 and #2..

Chanda L said...

Good thing your experience happened to you (one of the most calmest people I know!). Sounds like you took control of a horrible situation and made things work out! Something you, nor the kiddos will probably ever forget! I like #1, and then #4 for your logo.

Anonymous said...

quite the day you had! Good thing weather was cold enough for frozen solid lake but not cold enough that anyone got frostbite walking.

Logo #4 is the one I like the best :)

EllenM said...

Wow!! What an experience!! Glad that you and the kiddos are safe! On the logos..I like #4

Anonymous said...

I like #4 as well! :)

Anonymous said...

#4! or #2

Anonymous said...

i like your original one on the top of this blog the best.

Crystal Lee Photography said...

RE: logo...I know...I love them hard to choose. I'm sure it'll be a process, and maybe even more designs will come about. Thanks for all the opinions, I really-really appreciate it!...BTW, just got my van back today (yay!).