Wednesday, May 18, 2011

K Family {Family of 9}

Check out this adorable family. 
I've been calling this a family of nine,
when really it's a family of eleven
with nine beautiful kids,
whom I photographed.

When preparing this blog post, I was going to put the kids in order,
oldest to youngest...or youngest to oldest,
but then realized that these nine kids are pretty close in age,
and I'm not sure if I could get the order correct,
so I'll just mix it up,
starting with the baby of the family. 
Mr. A, 10 months old.

How wonderful it must be, to have all these siblings to hang out with, everyday!
They really were a great group of kids, thanks you guys, for being so fun!
K Family {family of 9...nine kids that is}

1 comment:

able mabel said...

Ohhh. That family just get more and more beautiful!