Thursday, May 26, 2011

Merging Motion and Stills

A few weeks ago I attended a Photography workshop by Jared Abrams and Sandy Puc'', If It Moves, Shoot It.  It was a very motivating workshop.  The first I heard about this technique was at her previous workshop, Power of Passion Tour, back at the beginning of April.  Since then I've given it much thought.  The whole idea behind, If it Moves, Shoot It, is combining motion picture with still photography, to create a real life story.

Just picture this, I'm photographing a 1 year old and throughout the photo session I take a few 5 second video clips.  Later I combine the still photos with the moving images in a slide show and that moment, that I capture, actually comes to life.  It's truly amazing....I'm very excited to master this and start marketing this new product

I'm finding out though, that as much as I LOVE this idea, I completely forget about it during a photo session.  I getting completely focused on my photos and in the end am so bummed that I didn't remember to take a clip or two.  The last couple sessions I had, I did (just at the end of the session) remember to stop, and go into video mode...see that's the issue, I need to switch modes, change all my settings...the ISO needs to be increased and the camera can not auto focus in video mode, so I need to switch a few things and then remember to switch them back after. 

I did a fun practice session the other night with my kids playing in the was so much fun, and I became a tad more comfortable with the switching back-n-forth.  I think that is just what I needed to do, to make it feel more natural so it becomes the norm for me, during any photo session.
Check it out, and let me know what you think.

Slide show:
My Family {May 2011}

1 comment:

Cheryl Skoog said...

That is awesome! How wonderful to catch all those little moments not only in pictures but motion, too! You have beautiful children. I really enjoyed this slide show of God's creation-kids and blooms!