Monday, May 23, 2011


It's Monday, and I am feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.
I had such a relaxing weekend and feel my faith has been uplifted.
I was able to spend the weekend with a group of Mother's from my church.

These were my travel buddies...we filled two vans and bunked in the same dorm room
(seriously felt like I was 16 again, sleeping on the top bunk,
late nights chatting...and giggling, oh it was great!)

Camp Directors: Pete & Katie (right)
and Russell and Sinikka (left) filled in as Assistant Directors

So many wonderful presentations and discussions.
It is so comforting to have the love, support and understanding
from those around me.
I feel refreshed as a Mother, and as a Wife. 
I'm content with the very important role,
the very important job
God has given me. 
I will continue to do, and be, 
the best that I can
and I pray that God continues to guide me.

We had a rainy weekend, but we were still able to enjoy the beauty of God's creations.
I thought my kids would love to see this cute little turtle

a big "Thank You" to those that volunteered to work in the kitchen
(not all the kitchen help is pictured).
It was so wonderful to wake up to a delicious breakfast,
have lunch and dinner and snacks warm and ready
and not have to worry about the clean up.
You all added to the enjoyment of the weekend, thank you!

I also put together a slide show, including a few of these same photos. 
Notice the singing that plays with the slid show,
the beautiful voices of my cousins;
Toni, Marla, and Dustin.
I was bummed to noticed I spelled "Russell" incorrect, missed an "L"
I really should take the time to proof and not be in such a rush.

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