Monday, May 30, 2011

Say a Prayer

I've been thinking of Kiana and her family a lot lately. Just four short months ago, on January 10th, Kiana was diagnosed with Level 3 Neuroblastoma.  Neuroblastoma is a cancer that develops from nerve cells.  Often the tumor arises from branches of nerves that exit from spinal cord.  These branches reach many areas of the body, so tumors can be found in many different locations.  In half of the cases of children with neuroblastoma, the tumors are found in the abdomen, or belly, and usually involve the adrenal gland, which sits on top of the kidney.  Neuroblastoma also can be found in the head, chest, neck or pelvis.
And a  few days following her diagnoses she started her first round of chemotherapy. I had been in contact with her family, and we were planning on taking family photos the following week, if Kiana was feeling up to it.  Well, Kiana had to stay at the hospital a little bit longer, her counts were low and  she needed some blood platelets.  So I offered to come to the hospital and take some photos of just Kiana.
It's hard to believe how sick this beautiful, smiley, little girl is.  She is so strong. 
We can be comforted to know that it's in God's hands, he has a plan for this beautiful little girl
and so we continue to put our trust in him.

A few days ago I had the opportunity to meet with the entire family, for a very fun and special family photo session. It touched my heart to see, after everything they all have been through over the last few months, there was much laughter, many smiles and pure love. Thank you Forstie family, for allowing me the honor to photograph you, you all are truly blessed, and I'm so touched that I was able to document this moment.

look how happy they all are...just looking at them, I smile.

seriously this girl is awesome!

Please keep Kiana and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
She's having surgery this week, to remove part of the tumor.
Stop by and leave her a message on her CaringBridge site.

Enjoy this slide show I put together:
Forstie Family {May 2011}


Barb Makela said...

Thank you for sharing. I used to babysit "Dougie" and my heart goes out to their family. You did a wonderful, amazing thing with the slideshow.

jessica said...

beautiful pictures, Crystal! and an awesome job on the slideshow-- it was very touching!

Crystal Lee said...

So happy to hear that Kiana's surgery was very successful. They were able to remove 90-97% of the tumor. They expected surgery to take 4-6, possible up to 16 hours, and they were done in a little over 3 hours. Praying for an uneventful and quick recovery!