Monday, June 27, 2011

Last Minute

Ok. I just came across a gift I had
for a FREE 7x9 soft cover photo book. 
The thing is, the offer ends today. 
All day I've been going through my photos,
wondering what I should create this book of
...and I just can't decide. 
So, since all my client photos are so well organized,
I'm offering it to one of you. 

The first one to comment on this blog
will receive a 7x9 soft cover photo book,
designed by me!

here's me and my kiddos,
enjoying the beautiful weather by the river.


Anonymous said...

oh cool! i'd love that. :)


Anonymous said...

awww... I'm second! oh well. Cute pic of you and your kids! Brita J.

Anonymous said...

third! rebecca g.