Tuesday, October 18, 2011

3 year old Twins

I LOVE twins! My entire life I've always known that I will have a set. 
My paternal Grandmother had several sets. 
My father is a twin, and it skips a generation, 
meaning that I'm bound to have them, right?
well, I'll keep on praying.

These 3 year old twins were FULL of ENERGY
and as cute as can be!
and they LOVE their baby sister
remember baby M?...check out her newborn photo's
Beautiful Family!
brrrrrr...October in Minnesota is COLD
we couldn't be outside very long.


Joni said...

You take beautiful pictures, Crystal! I have to chuckle about your twins thoughts - they're quite familiar thoughts, as I've always been thinking the same for us. We're bound to have twins- I still haven't given up hope! :-)

Anonymous said...

You havent posted for so long?!?