Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Very Hungry Kindergartners

It was so fun to attend my kindergartners first program, there she is (above), an apple.  She was so proud to have us there...I actually wasn't going to tell my hubby about the program, since it was in the middle of the day and it's not easy for him to leave work, but Alynn, just about every day, following up to her program, would ask him if he was coming and she was beyond thrilled when he replied, "Yes, I'll be there"...and her big sister Cassandra also made it.  It was definitely a special time, for my big girl, it felt good to see her just gleaming with happiness.  I am amazed all at the hard work, and dedication those kindergartners AND their teachers put into this production, it was great!

After the program we took the kids to Space Aliens, because I had a coupon for 20 free tokens, and knew the kids would have a blast.  I was very surprised to learn that if you order a dessert (all desserts are $4.99) you get $5 worth of tokens (20), FREE!...so Cassandra and I each enjoyed a delicious dessert while the kids played some games...totally worth it!
 mmmm...a brownie sundae and apple crisp

I've really been enjoying some family time, with the upcoming arrival of baby #5, and the toll hauling around my photography equipment was taking, I've have a very quiet, and for the most part, relaxing 2012.  We are anxiously counting down the days till this newest little love arrives...we're looking at a little over 2 weeks!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute program! It's so fun for them when family show up :)