Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Photo-a-day 11

Day 11...I'm such a sucker when it comes to after Christmas clearance.  I'll admit, I bought 12 containers of frosting and 12 box's of cake mix, well actually that was on my second 16 total, anyway, today Alynn came downstairs looking quite sad.  "Mom, I opened your frosting", me: "that's ok" (I was playing the Wii with Nelson),  figured I had 15 more containers, so no biggy.  Then she starts crying, there are sprinkles all over the floor, "get the broom and sweep them up" Alynn: "I tried!" poor girl was so worried about what she did (she is such a sweet kid), so I said I'd sweep it up for her, but to not open anymore frosting. So I'm curious to see how long my 16 containers of frosting will last...actually we are already down to 13, I believe.

My Pirate.  Oh this kid cracks me up!  First off, I can't keep clothes on him, seriously, even at church he strips down...just at our Sunday School Christmas Program, I was standing in the back with him (that's another story...he won't sit in church, week after week I wonder why I even go...) then I went up front to take a photo of the group of kids and here he comes, pants off and in his embarrassing. There was even one Sunday were we almost went home pant less...I search and search and could not find his pants ANYWHERE...I had his coat and boots on and about to head out to the car when he decided he'd show me where his pants are.
That's my monkey, I mean pirate for you. 
Here he is measuring our ceiling, I was proud of him...he got the tape measure all the way to touch the ceiling. What a kid!

ok. He's 2...playing the Wii earlier in the day and now playing a game on, what was I doing at the age of 2? Man these kids now days are too smart! Oh and btw, he got into the frosting too...evidence on his face.

oh, look at this baby girl!

Yeah, it's late...the kids go to bed and I feel like I can finally is just peaceful! And I know tomorrow will be another CRAZY day, but looking at these darling kids, I know it's all worth it!

1 comment:

Dan and Rita said...

we too have a pantry full of cake mixes, brownie mixes and frostings off the clearance rack!! LOL Nelson is so cute! and your baby is so photogenic!!! What a cute family you have!