Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st day of school

My Big 2nd Grader

and My Kindergartner

Mom & Dad wishing them a wonderful first day at school

Bus Stop Gang

I have an afternoon Kindergartner, so we got to hang out a bit before the bus came
visited with some friends while we waited.
My 3 year old was 'so sad' he couldn't go on the bus,
he just didn't understand why!

OK, so here's where things get a bit crazy...Alynn was so excited that her bus was coming,
but it obviously wasn't her bus, because it drove right on by.
To make sure, I called the bus company and was informed
that, "Yes", the bus was running about 30 minutes behind schedule.
Alynn got so bored waiting for the bus, she asked if she could ride her bike. 
"Sure" I said, stay right where I can see you.
Well, I got busy visiting with a friend, and I thought,
"hmmm, the bus should be coming any minute",
well Alynn was no where in sight!
She obviously took off on her bike, down the path, which is NOT ok!
I was getting frantic, plus the 2 three year olds were missing also.
And sure enough, her bus comes.
So I proceed to tell the bus driver that
"my daughter got bored waiting for the bus and must have took off on her bike,
so now I need to go find her, and I'll have to just drive her to school."
As I'm waiving the bus off, she rides up. 
I wave the bus down, quickly scold her for taking off like that,
and send her on her way, to her first day of Kindergarten!
definitely not how I planned this day to go, and it bothered me all day long!

I was definitely happy to see her run off the bus was a huge smile on her face!
I was glad to know she enjoyed this special, big day!

how did your first day of school go, any interesting stories?


Keli said...

ha ha ha!! adorable, love this story of the bike and the bus. Too sweet, wonderful memories of the first day of school.

Eric and Celeste said...

Glad she got off the bus with a big smile! Ashlyn told me she will never leave your grass again. She thought about it all day because she would make comments about it on and off. Right before bed she said: "I won't leave Crystal's grass again Mom, cause a Dog might come up to me and you won't be there to hold me!"

Chanda L. said...

Oh Memories! That will be a fun story to tell Alynn's kids when she has kids some day!